Numbers 1-65

1. McNeill/Orr

In loving memory of Angus McNeill who died 14th April 1913 aged 39 years.  His daughter Helen who died 26th Jan 1922 aged 17 years, his wife Helen Orr who died 14th Oct 1939 aged 67 years, their son Donald who died 12th Dec 1959 aged 57 years.

2. Wilkieson/Galbraith

Erected by Angus Wilkieson in loving memory of his wife Margaret Galbraith died 4th Sep 1894 age 80. Their children Archibald, Angus and Charles died in infancy.  Malcolm died 24th Sep 1886 aged 14 years, John died 24th Aug 1918 age 52 years and the above Angus Wilkieson died 29th May 1921 aged 82 years. His daughter Margaret died 17th March 1926 age 46 years.


Erected by Margaret Smith. In memory of my beloved husband John Smith who died at Tenby,

Pembrokeshire 11th Dec 1908 aged 38 years.

4. Smith/Taylor

Erected by Catherine Taylor. In memory of her husband John Smith who died at South Ardminish 12th April 1888 aged 65 years and of their children Barbara McNeill died 22nd Aug 1857 aged 2 months, Donald died 23rd Dec 1861 aged 7 months, Neil died 25th May 1869 aged 6 1/2 years, Barbara Thompson died 4th Nov 1866 aged 1 1/2 years also the above Catherine Taylor who died Gourock 18th Nov 1894 aged 67 years. Their son Archibald died at Gourock 14th July 1917 aged 49 years.

5. Smith

Erected by Captain Archibald Smith in loving memory of his wife Christina Smith who died at Gourock 30th Apr 1934 aged 75 years. The above Archibald Smith died at Ardminish 13th Jun 1939 aged 77 years.

6. Blue/Galbraith

Arch.d Blue. In loving memory of his father Donald Blue who died at Carnvickoye 12th April 1913 aged 67. His mother Flora Galbraith who died at Carnvickoye 3rd May 1922 aged 72.

6B. McNeill

In loving memory of Catherine McNeill and Margaret McNeill.

7. Allan/Wilkieson

In memory of Effie A. Allan died 16th Oct 1922 aged 19 years also her mother Euphemia Jane Wilkieson died 12th Sep 1935 aged 65 years also her father George Allan died 14th Feb 1950 aged 85 years.

8. Orr

25476 Private Malcolm Orr. Royal Scots Fusiliers 27th May 1920 aged 27.

9. Orr/Galbraith/Hamilton

Erected by Allan Orr in loving memory of his wife Mary Galbraith who died 15th Aug 1920 aged 68 years. His sons William who was drowned 11th Sep 1923 aged 39 years, Malcolm died 27th May 1920 aged 27 years. Sarah, his daughter, died 8th Jun 1921 aged 25 years also his granddaughter Mary Hamilton died 12th Jun 1919 aged 2 years. The above Allan Orr died 21st Nov 1925 aged 71 years. His son Neil Orr died 21st Dec 1929 aged 43 years.

10. McInnes/Henderson

Erected in memory of John son of Alexander and Sarah McInnes, who died 4th Jun 18[68?]

Aged 13 years & 6 months. The above Sarah McInnes nee Henderson died 21st Sep 1900 aged [6]9.

11. MacDonald/McNeill

Erected by the family in loving memory of their father Malcolm MacDonald, master mariner, who died 25th April 1889 in his 66th year and their mother Catherine McNeill who died 24th Aug 1912 aged 81 years.

12. Clark

Erected in memory of John Clark who died at Achavinish 15th May 1896 aged 14 years also his sister Catherine Clark died at Achavinish 23rd Feb 1900 aged 21.

13. Orr/McMillan

Erected by Helen McMillan in memory of her beloved husband William Orr, Ferryman,  Gigha who died 26th Mar 1895 aged 66 years. The above  Helen McMillan died 14th Apr 1904 aged 75 years. Her brother Hugh McMillan died 4th May 1899 aged 74 years.

14. McGeachy/McTavish

In loving memory of our father Angus McGeachy died 5th Jan 1924, aged 81. Our mother Janet McTavish died 19th Jun 1927, aged 70. Our sister Flora died at Flint, Michigan 24th Oct 1928 aged 40. Erected by family.

15. McNeill/McGeachy

Erected by Barbara McNeill in loving memory of her husband Edward McGeachy who died at Kull 4th December 1888 aged 45, also their daughter Elizabeth died 21st Feb 1899 aged 27.

16. McGougan/McGeachy

In loving memory of Angus McGougan “Achnaha” who died 20th Nov 1926 aged 75 years. His sons Angus died in infancy, Edward died 1914 aged 17, Archie died 1930 aged 28, Donald killed in France 1917 aged 24. His wife Catherine McGeachy who died at Roberton 4th May 1949 aged 85 years. Alexander died Dec 1968 aged 80, Angus died July 1971 aged 67. Their daughter Marianne Barbara died Aug 1976 aged 85. Erected by his widow and family.

17. MacGougan/MacMillan

Erected by Alexander MacGougan in loving memory of his father Edward MacGougan died 19th Dec 1889 also his mother Jane MacMillan died 2nd Apr 1939 also the above Alexander MacGougan died 17th Dec 1959, also his wife Christina MacLeod, late of Benbecula died 21st Oct 1969.

18. Wotherspoon/Galbraith

Erected by Eugenia Galbraith in living remembrance of her husband James Wotherspoon, Master Mariner who died 7th Jan 1913 aged 79 years. The above Eugenia Galbraith who died at Clachan 5th Oct 1920 aged 82 years.  Also their beloved son John who was drowned by the mining of

S.S. Gem off Scarborough 25th Dec 1914 aged 46 years.

19. Graham/Taylor

In loving memory of our dear father Alexander Graham drowned off Gigha 11th Apr 1903, aged 42 years. Our dear mother Flora Taylor died at New Quay 29th Dec 1932, aged 67 years. Erected by the family.

20. MacDonald/MacNeill

In loving memory of Donald MacDonald died 23rd Oct 1912 aged 57 years. His wife Isabella MacNeill died 19th Dec 1934 aged 82 years. Their son Duncan L/Sgt 8th A & S HRS killed in action 20th Jun 1916 aged 28 years.  Their daughter Catherine died 5th July 1958 aged 72 years.

20B. Stone fallen on face.

21. Henderson/Hamilton/Graham

Erected by Donald Henderson in memory of Mary Hamilton died 9th Jan 1959 aged 73. Her sister Sarah died 27th Apr 1905 aged 25. Her father Archibald Hamilton died 14th Dec 1917 aged 62.

Her mother Sarah Graham died 26th July 1932 aged 78. Her brother John G. Hamilton was killed in action in France 1918 aged 26 years.

22. McMillan/McKinnon

Sacred to the memory of Alexander McMillan, blacksmith, Gigha who died 17th Feb 1893

Age 56 years. His wife Janet McKinnon died 19th May 1957 age 90 years.

23. McMillan/McNeill

In loving memory of Margaret McMillan wife of Donald McNeill died at Woodend 22nd Jan 1912 aged 72 also their son John Alexander died in New York 7th April 1905 aged 24. The above Donald McNeill died at Woodend 2nd Nov 1926 age 82.

24. MacDonald/Graham

Erected by C. M. MacDonald in memory of my dear father Ronald MacDonald died 25th July 1909 aged 57, also my dear mother Mary Graham died 4th May 1938 aged 87. My sister Sarah died in infancy. My brother John Ronald MacDonald died 13th Apr 1957 aged 72. The above  Catherine M. MacDonald died 20th Dec 1974 aged 82.

25. MacNeill/MacSporran

In affectionate remembrance of our beloved parents Duncan MacNeill died 19th June 1937 aged 80 years. His wife Mary MacSporran died 24th Feb 1935 aged 72 years. Also their daughter Maggie MacNeill died 23rd Jan 1964 aged 62 years.

26. Graham

N. Graham. Deck Hand, RNR 1941/SD.HM. Trawler “Swan III”

26th Sep 1916 age 29.

27. Montgomery/McSporran

Erected by Janet Montgomery in remembrance of her husband Malcolm McSporran, Farmer, Auchamore who died 27th July 1895 aged 74 years. The above Janet Montgomery died 15th Feb 1920 aged 84 years.

28. Henderson/McDonald

Erected by Donald Henderson in loving memory of his wife Flora McDonald who died 1st May 1897 aged 48 years.  Also their son Hugh died 13th Apr 1892 aged 11 years. The above Donald Henderson died 12th Jan 1905 aged 59 years. Their daughter Flora Henderson died 1st Nov 1952 aged 67 years.

29. McSporran/Graham

In loving memory of Mary Graham beloved wife of Archibald McSporran who died 14th Mar 1939 aged 64 years. The above Archibald McSporran died 17th Nov 1951 aged 76 years. Their son Archie McSporran died 14th July 1949 aged 36 years.

30. Baker/Potts

In loving memory of Archibald J. Baker died 13th April 1909 aged 63 years and his wife Elizabeth Potts died 22nd December 1929 aged 74 years, and their sons Archibald Donald died 5th Aug 1972 aged 79 years, Thomas Potts died 6th Aug 1973 aged 72 years, and their daughter Elizabeth Potts died 12th Aug 1972 aged 81 years.

31. McGilvray

In loving memory of Capt. John McGilvray, who was lost at sea through the torpedoing of his ship 13th Sep 1918 aged 60 years. Native of Ardnamurchan.

32. Galbraith

In ever loving memory of Archibald Galbraith dearly beloved husband of Mary Ann Galbraith who died 12th Dec 1918 aged 62 years. Also their sons Hector Galbraith killed in France 1st Aug 1918 aged 19 years, Malcolm Galbraith lost at sea 21st Jan 1925 aged 32 years, William Galbraith lost at sea 11th December 1928 aged 34 years.

(Scroll beside gravestone)

In memory of Archibald Galbraith, Foreman Engineer, died 2nd Dec 1918. A tribute from his fellow-workmen. Messers A and J Inglis, Pointhouse Shipyard.

33. Duncan/Stewart

In loving memory of our dear parents and sister, John Duncan died 12th Mar 1926 aged 58 years, Elizabeth Stewart died 2nd Nov 1951 aged 86 years, Jessie Graham Duncan died Oct 1908 aged 2 years.

34. Galbraith/Greenlees

Erected by Anne Galbraith in memory of her beloved husband John Greenlees, Farmer who died at Tarbert Farm 27th Feb 1917 aged 82 years. Interred at Kilkenzie.  The above Anne Galbraith died 14th? Dec 1921 aged 79 years. Also their grandson John A Stewart Duncan 16-4-1923  - 15-07-2016. Much loved Husband, Father, Gramps, Baba and Great Old Dad. Scotland forever and a day.

35. Henderson/Morrison

Erected by Mary Henderson in loving memory of her husband Neil Morrison died 8th Aug 1903 aged 39 years. Her sons Hugh died Oct 1901 aged 2, Peter died 13th Nov 1920 aged 22 and her daughter Sarah died 14th Sep 1926 aged 32. Also her brothers Neil drowned at sea 1885 aged 35, Duncan died 9th Mar 1912 aged 74. The above Mary Henderson died 2nd April 1954 in her 78th year. Their eldest son Neil died N.Z. 30th July 1950 aged 59, their daughter Mary died 19th Oct 1976 aged 84.

36. McArthur/Galbraith

In loving memory of Daniel McArthur above 50 years Foreman Carpenter on Crinan Canal who died at Ardrishaig 13th Jun 1906 age 76. His beloved wife Katherine Galbraith died Ardg. 24th Aug 1924 age 94. Their daughters Mary died at Ardg. 10th Jun 1896 age 31, Catherine, Schoolteacher died at Ardg. 6th Dec 1933 age 73.

37. McSporran/Graham

In loving memory of William McSporran died 22nd Jan 1932 aged 74years. Also his son William McSporran  died 31st Aug 1918 aged 21 years. Also his daughter Jessie died 23rd Jan 1937 aged 51 years. Also his wife Catherine Graham died 26th July 1951 aged 96 years.

38. MacFarlane

In memory of the Rev. Donald MacFarlane M. A. faithful and beloved minister for 25 years of the parish of Morven and for 15 years of this parish. Born Killean Manse 11th Feb 1861 died Gigha Manse 10th Feb 1923. Also his beloved sister Jessie Margaret.

They that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever and ever.

39. Galbraith/Wotherspoon

Galbraith. In loving memory of Lachlan Galbraith who died at Eilean Rich on 24th Jan 1902 age 43 years. His family Lachlan who died in infancy, Mary who died Kirkcaldy on 26th Mar 1919 aged 21 years, Catherine who died at Glasgow 14th Oct 1950 aged 49 years. His wife Isabella Wotherspoon who died 27th July 1965 aged 89 years.  Dear mother of Galbraith and Jackson families.Their daughter Christina died 7th Feb 1973 aged 77 years.

40. Galbraith/Wotherspoon

Erected by Mary Wotherspoon in loving remembrance of her husband James Galbraith, Farmer who died at Barnacrioch 27th Jan 1915 aged 31? years. Also his beloved son Pte. Callum Galbraith 3rd A&S.H. who died at Cork Military Hospital 24th Oct 1918? aged 22 years. Also the above Mary Wotherspoon widow of James Galbraith died at Schoolhouse, Forrestfield 23rd Jan 1945 aged 75 years.

41. McIntosh/McNeill

Erected by Jane McIntosh in memory of of her beloved husband James McNeill died 28th February 1925 aged 75 years. Also their son Neil died at New Zealand 6th Nov 1924 aged 27 years and their daughters Jeanie died 15th March 1907 aged 16 years, Janet died 28th Nov 1929 aged 43 years. The above Jane McIntosh died 30th Sep 1934 aged 77 years.

42. McKenzie/MacFadyen

Rev. John Francis McKenzie minister of the Parish for 30 years died 31st May 1907. His sister Emma Louise died 26th Jan 1902. His cousin Kate MacFadyen died 30th July 1907.

43. Platt/Martin

In loving memory of William Platt a native of Dumfriesshire who died at Auchamore

12th Nov 1845 aged 64 years. Janet Martin wife who died ?? of July 1856 aged 76 years. William Platt, farmer, Auchamore only son of the above William M. Platt and Janet Martin who died 15th of May 1852 aged 37 years. Margaret his daughter who died 5th? of Nov 18[4]0 aged 22 months.

44. Unreadable

45. Galbreath/Smith

In memory of Donald Galbreath who died at Tarbert, Gigha 12th Dec 1856 aged 74 years and his wife Elizabeth Smith who died 7th April 1859 aged 75 years.

46. Galbraith

Annie Galbraith died 16th Dec 1935 aged 76. Also interred at Merchiston, Edinburgh. Father and mother Malcolm and Mary Galbraith of Druimeonbeg and their children Betsy, Malcolm and Donald who died in infancy and Sarah died 22nd Apr 1924 aged 70.

47. McQuilkan/Martin

In loving memory of our dear father Hector McQuilkan who died 15th May 1959 aged 73 also our dear mother Jeannie Martin who died 8th December 1923 age 30. Their eldest daughter Mary died 5th December 1975 age 55 and their second daughter Catherine M. Connelly died 10th March 2017 aged 94 years.

48. ? Too worn to read a single letter.

49. Mowat

Erected to the Memory of the Revd. Wm. Mowat, minister of Gigha, who died 21st Jan 1784.

By the Revd. James Curdie, Angus MacGugan, Archibald McConachie and Dugald McArthur in 1831.

50. McMillan/McNeill

Erected by Margaret McMillan and Family in memory of her beloved husband Angus McNeill who died 28th Jan 1891 aged 78 years. Also her daughter Catherine died 31st July 1873 aged 25 years. The above Margaret McMillan died 16th May 1904 aged 87 years. Also her son John died 23rd July 1933 aged 78 years.

51. McGeachy/McCallum

In loving memory of Neil McGeachy who died 23rd Oct 1919 aged 44 years. His wife Janet McCallum who died 31st May 1961 aged 80 years. Their grandson Angus Allan McGeachy lost at sea 23rd May 1966 aged 16 years. Their eldest daughter Marion S McGeachy who died 14th Sep 1988 aged 80 years.

52. Stevenson

(Slabs x 3 difficult to read one has a coat of Arms - details taken from R. S. G. Anderson’s book “The Antiquities of Gigha”)

James Stevenson Esq., of Ardglammie, who died the 1st day of August 1758. Aged 75 years.

53. McConachie/McNeill

S M.

Donald McConachie tenant in Ardacha died in June 1771 and of Elizabeth McNeil his wife who died March 28th 1814. Erected by their son Malcolm tenant in Ardelay.

54. McConachie

Erected by Archibald McConachie tenant in Ardelay in memory of his son Donald who was drowned at Tayinloan Ferry on the 15th Nov 1831 aged 25 years.

55. Smith/McGougan

In loving memory of Malcolm Smith died at Ardminish 6th Aug 1902 aged 76 years. His wife Marion McGougan died 6th Nov 1909 aged 76 years. Their infant children Catherine, Alexander and Marion. Their sons Angus died 27th Dec 1886 aged 14 years, Donald died 2nd Jan 1901 aged 31 years, Neil died 11th Jan 1910 aged 50 years, John died 30th Apr 1922 aged 56 years, Hector died 24th Oct 1928 aged 59 years, Peter died 21st Nov 1932 aged 74 years, Malcolm died 4th Feb 1936 aged 72 years.

56. Graham/McGougan

Erected by John Graham in memory of his beloved wife Ann McGougan who died at Ardminish 27th September 1881.

57. Unreadable

58. McMillan/McGougan

In loving memory of our father & mother

Alexander McMillan, farmer native of Lochaber, North Drumachro and Achans who died 29th July 1888 aged 66 years. Barbara McGougan who died 14th May 1908 aged 67 years. Also our two sisters Catherine & Jean who died in infancy.

59. McFarlane

AD 1872. In memory of Donald McFarlane aged 78 also Catherine McFarlane his spouse aged 65. Both kept the faith.

60. Galbreath/McLean

Erected by Donald Galbreath, Weaver, Ardelay in memory of [Janet?] McLean his wife who died 23rd Nov 1812 aged 60 years. This place is intended for their family.n

61. Smith/Henderson

Erected by Mary Smith in memory of her beloved husband Angus Henderson who died 14th Dec 1882 aged 42 years. The above Mary Smith who died  20th Feb 1904 aged 61years.

62. Campbell/Wotherspoon

Erected by James Wotherspoon in memory of his wife Mary Campbell who died 23rd Jan 1869 aged 69 years. The above James Wotherspoon, who was Miller in Ardelay for 45 years, was called home 10th Apr 1880 aged 80 years.

63. Wotherspoon/Galbraith

In loving memory of Hugh Wotherspoon died 17th July 1886 aged 61 years and his wife Isabella Galbraith died 4th April 1924 aged 82 years. Their family Neil died 11th July 1883 aged 16 years, Archd died 20th Jul 1883 aged 2 years, Flora died 21st Feb 1885 aged 14 years, Hugh died 28th Oct 1902 aged 30 years, James died 7th May 1919 aged 54 years, Flora died 7th Aug 1932 aged 45 years.

64. McVean/Wotherspoon

In loving memory of John McVean died 17th Feb 1939 aged 58 years also his wife Christina Wotherspoon died 25th March 1958 aged 79 years.

65. McNeill/McDonald

Erected by Margaret McDonald in affectionate remembrance of her beloved husband Archibald McNeill who resided at Achnaha Ferry 35 years and died at Gigha 12th Dec 1875 age 76 years. Also their children Alick who died at Melbourne? 10th Aug 1871 aged 23 years and Maggie who died at Gigha 29th Oct 1877 aged 25 years. The above Margaret McDonald died at Gigha on 16th Oct 1903 aged 90 years. Blessed are those that die in the lord.



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